Clean Factory New Blue Daytona

Currently in our market, an interesting trend has emerged – there’s a noticeable decline in the release of new watch models. Why is this happening? I believe the primary factor is the increasingly stringent government policies targeting counterfeit products. Watch manufacturers are apprehensive about potential exposure and raids. Based on my observations, only VS and APS consistently introduce new watches, while other factories, notably Clean, often take a considerable amount of time to unveil a fresh model. As of today, Clean has presented the blue Daytona as a novel addition to their lineup; however, it’s not entirely new to the market as the BT factory had already released a replica of this model.

Speaking specifically about the Daytona, if you’re in pursuit of a superior clone, my exclusive recommendation is Clean factory. Comparatively, the quality of watches produced by BT and APS still falls short of Clean’s standards. In the case of BT’s Daytona, the noticeable differences in quality lie in the dial printings and the axis of the handset, where Clean outshines BT. Nevertheless, other aspects of the Daytona, in terms of finish, are nearly identical between the two factories. Regarding APS factory’s Daytona, many assert that their version is crafted from 316L stainless steel.

Regarding the versions of Replica Rolex Daytona, the V3 model pertains to the black ceramic Panda Daytona 116500, while the white ceramic Panda Daytona 116500 corresponds to V2. All other Daytonas from Clean factory are designated as V1. Notably, Clean does not produce the Daytona with an ice blue dial – this particular version is exclusively manufactured by BT and New Noob.

In conclusion, I invite you to admire the images of Clean’s latest Daytona offerings.

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